Treacherous Titties
Treacherous Titties
Breast cancer stories are often taboo. On average, 2.3 million women get breast cancer worldwide. The coronavirus-19 pandemic caused delays in diagnosis and management. Latinos in America have the highest incident of Cancer. Latinas are more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age and with more aggressive cancers. Black women have 40% higher death rate from breast cancer than any other racial and ethnic groups, despite having slightly lower incidence than White women.
If you have just been diagnosed with breast cancer or know someone who has, remember grief is important. If a woman decides to get reconstruction it’s not “a free boob job” and if she doesn’t, flat is beautiful and great warriors have scars. Don’t give advice or try to fix it, the best thing you can do is hold someone hand.

Treacherous Titties
Have you checked on your titties lately?
I would highly advise on a regular, to check those boobies
Take the twins out for a stroll
Shake them down
Corner them in the shower
Touch those lovely chi chis
Do the hoo has have bumps and lumps?
Is there teta discharge?
Do those lady lumps hurt?
Have them big ol’ jugs grown?
have you checked them fó real?
Like parenting ads in the eighties
Do you really know what they are up to?
Little treacherous ass titties
Like toddlers
Will ruin some shit if you don’t pay attention